Top News Story: Escape Velocity 637.0.1 updater fixes small bug with version 637.0 that affects users of clock-chipped NanoQuad 3000 memetic bio-gel processors. Business News: The Internet Company reports a record number of planets are now connected to the Terran Subspace Network. Technology News: Hardbank ComHugeDex planning largest technology convention in the galaxy. Today’s Top Story: Nanotech conglomerate Ambrosia ConSoftCorp president Andrew Welch XXXVII announces “No Bath ’Til Beta.” Environmental News: Earth biologists report that the once common mosquito is now extinct. Top News: Corporate mega-giant Ambrosia ConSoftCorp has purchased yet another planet, which is scheduled to be renamed “Hector’s World.” Midnight Star News: Elvis is still alive! Consumer News: Sky & Track’s hovercar of the year - The Jupiter 8 Weather: Due to glaciers, school on Samson’s Planet is cancelled for the 6,378th day in a row. Technology News: Orchard Computers releases new version of its 5-D Graphical User Interface. Entertainment News: ConHugeSoft releases “Classic Video Games” package including old favorites such as Pong, Maelstrom, and Avara. Reader Survey: 30% of Martian citizens believe the first moon landing was a hoax. Entertainment News: Dick Clark to host this year’s Intergalactic Grammy Awards. Business News: CDX Starworks given contract to develop new starfighter. News Update: Transmissions from 20th-century Voyager spacecraft received - “Less talk, more rock.” Top News Story: Communication received from lost 20th-century spacecraft “Voyager.” Travel Update: Earth transport tube from London to Boston closed due to strange odor. Want to lose weight? Tune in at 11 and find out how! Environmental News: Lecithin tanker spills off the coast of Locari, Levo.